Saturday 24th of October 2015
From 6.30 pm until midnight
At Saint James Church Hall, Curtin. 40 Gilles Street
Opposite the Curtin shops
Admission: $10... Children under 15 FREE.
To celebrate the Cuban National Day of Culture the Canberra Branch of the ACFS
is throwing a party.
Cuban music, dancing and PAISA, the best Latin DJ.
Cuban drinks, solidarity wine, soft drinks, tea, coffee, cakes and
some food.
There will be musicians, variety performers, dancing groups and more.
Let’s enjoy a night of the best Latin vibes and a very friendly
environment. Children most welcome!!

All the helpers are VOLUNTEERS.
We will also farewell one of our more enthusiastic and
valuable members, our current vice-president: Marcos Cruz Garcia, “the Chilean”,
who is returning to Chile for good! We will dedicate a toast to him and his
good health and wish him the best of luck in his native land. HLVS
Ample free parking next to the venue.
Tickets at the