Sunday, 11 September 2011

Abbott keen on Nauru

With the refugee debate or, more correctly, swearing competition, in parliament, the Liberals support sending boat people to Nauru. They do this in memory of John Howard.

So far the Government has stressed the enormous cost of such an operation.

However, as friends of Cuba we wish to point out to Mr Abbott, that re-establishing a virtual-penal colony on Nauru, will invite serious health issues.

At present the bulk of medical services on Nauru is provided by  Cuba as an extension of their vast medical services in islands accross the Pacific. Probably the most outstanding is the 300 Cuban doctors working on East Timor. This is quite apart from the 700 students from East Timor now studying medicine in Havana - free of cost to East Timor. At present Australia does not have enough doctors to service regional Australia. We doubt the Australian electorate will be happy to be known, that  as a wealthy nation, we are bludging on Cuba.

The concept is sickening and shaming to Australia.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Welcome to the new blog of the ACFS Canberra Branch

Dear friends of Cuba, welcome to the new blog of the Australia Cuba Friendship Society - Canberra Branch. This blog is still under construction, please, log in tomorrow for exciting news!