Andy Rigby is recognised as Australia’s most admired
harper. He is a player with an international reputation covering music from
Africa, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Spain and the music-loving republics of LatinAmerica.
In Typical Australian fashion, Andy started his adult
life as an engineer working on projects through much of the Third World. But music
was Andy’s obsessive hobby which gradually took him over.

Andy will be performing in Curtin on Saturday 29 March
with a theatrical production of the San
Patricios, - a battalion of Irish “Boat People” who fought for Mexico
against a ruthless invading army from the United States. The war was to annex
half of Mexico and extend slavery. Despite such a black history, the events of
1847 produced some of the finest Irish and Mexican harp music. It is also a
story that rings all the way to modern Australia.
Venue: St James Uniting Church Hall, Curtin. 6.30 for
7.00 pm.
For further information phone, Brian on 6282 4747
(Mobile: 0418 48 18 67)
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