Wednesday 26 February 2014

THE WAR OF SHAME - USA - Ireland - Mexico

1846-47 was the epoch that changed half the world. It all started in Mexico.  In 1847, the brash-young United States of America invaded Mexico.

The invasion was to annex most of Mexico and enforce slavery from north California, Texas, Arizona, throughout the United States and as far a field as Cuba.
The area around New York was corrupt and disease ridden. The invasion had a flow-on to Australia. We had no “Border Protection”. A million starving Irish immigrants flooded into evil-smelling, rat-infested rental accommodation in New York.  The houses were owned by a small handful of US millionaires. So, the US war machine rounded up hoards of Irish immigrants and sent them to invade Mexico. But things went wrong. The Irish joined forces with Mexico.

Out of their fighting, many of the most famous Irish songs of rebellion were born.  Be prepared to laugh and cry throughout the evening. In a full program  of word and song, dedicated to the St Patrick’s Brigade (“San Patricios”); to the glory of Mexico and to Truth and Justice throughout the world.

Brian Hungerford and Marcos Cruz introduce Australia’s leading Irish and Latin American singers, musicians and dancers. Poetry and narration will be in English and Spanish.

Venue:  St James Uniting Church Hall, Curtin
When:  Saturday 29 March 2014.
Time:  6.30 for 7.00 pm
Entry:  $20

Plenty of authentic Irish, Curtinish, Mexican and Cuban, food and drinks available during the interval, as well as before and after the event – At gentle prices.
This is a one-off fundraising, organised by the Australia-Cuba Friendship Society, Canberra.
Information: phone Brian: 6282 4747 ( au)

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